Check out our talented artists!

The students built bridges in STEAM! Check out the great constructions in the slideshow below!

Sleep in Heavenly Peace

The school raised $500 and the church raised $571 for a combined total of $1071 donated to Sleep in Heavenly Peace! We also had countless sheet and pillow donations, as well as a handful of homemade quilts! Thank you for helping so many children have a warm bed to sleep in!
You can click on the picture to view the slideshow.
First and Second Graders have fun on the playground!
Check out the slideshow below!

Kindergarteners Lead Chapel
The kindergartners led chapel last week with a wonderful lesson about being ourselves. God created us to be unique, not copies of those around us! They did a great job!
Check out the slideshow below!

Spirit Day
We had our first Spirit Day! This month, 1st and 2nd grade won with 83% participation! They are now the keepers of the coveted Spirit Stick for the month!
Check out the slideshow below!

Pumpkins SHOW and SHINE the love of GOD!

Mrs. Hadley came in yesterday to do one of our favorite fall lessons about how to carve a pumpkin to help show and shine the love of God! We love this lesson and we love Mrs. Shirley Hadley!
Oktoberfest Photos
Enjoy the photos! You can click on a photo to enlarge it.

First Grade Superstars

This kid did a TON of extra homework! Look at that string of tickets! It's almost as tall as he is!

Magnetic Fun
Judge Aiden and his court! Third and Fourth Graders had a mock trial. So fun!


Pre-School Fun!

Look how creative we are!

Fun With Spelling Words

Outdoor Fun - Enjoying the Fall

Meals and Wheels
Clover Christian School held a fun summer family activity. Thanks to everyone who attended and helped with the event!
Check out the video!